IOU-Money - Manage and explore your debit and credit transaction flow | Product Hunt

Manage and Explore
your debit and credit transaction flow.


Debit/Credit Transaction Mention

Mention other participant in your transaction record and interact from cross platform.

Systematic Handling of Transactions

Verify transactions you are mentioned in. Filter list in accordance to verification status.

CCC: Convenient Credit Clearance

Perform actions the way you have wanted to. Either submit full clearance or partial submission of credit transaction. Keep track of all activities.

Multiple Currency Choice

Choose currency of your choice to maintain multiple currency records.

Analysis Of Your Activities

Various charts and reports generation from recorded transactions. One-One history view with in-app friend.

Mention Users Outside of App

What if your transaction participant is not registered in app? You can still mention this participant and synchronize past transactions into user's profile when signed up.